Let's give everyone the chance to be financially stable
Strong Financial Futures for All
When everyone can build a path to financial stability, everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential. At United Way of Greater New Haven, we make sure all individuals and families have this chance through a variety of programs and strategies.
Making Ends Meet
ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. ALICE initiatives support households who work but still struggle financially.
of people in our region can’t afford their basic needs
of households are Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed
of single female headed families live below the ALICE threshold
of eligible people don’t claim the Earned Income Tax Credit
Pathways to Financial Stability
Creating a pathway to financial stability means supporting all aspects of a person’s life. To provide community members with the best possible chance, we make sure community member’s basic needs are met, they can connect to education, they have access to job training to prepare them for careers that can support their families, and everyone can access financial services and benefits that help them achieve their financial goals. Moving more families onto the path of financial stability creates better futures for them and a stronger community for all of us.
Programs and Strategies
Build Savings
SaverLife and the Connecticut United Ways are partnering to bring a FREE program that provides cash rewards and incentives for building your savings.
Job Training
Secure Jobs helps people who used to be homeless to go back to school, find child care, develop their resume, and connect with employers.
Ending Homelessness
Dozens of partners in the community come together to end homelessness through the Coordinated Access Network.
Free Tax Help
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) is a free tax preparation service available to low-income individuals, people who have a disability, and those who speak limited English.
Support in a Crisis
Through federal funding, the Emergency Food and Shelter Program helps people experiencing crisis get immediate help as well as access prevention services.
You Earned It, So Keep IT
Maximize your refund by filing your taxes for free through VITA.
Our Impact
people filed their taxes for free last year
people found housing in our region
$5.1 million
in federal funding returned to our region