Strong Foundations



United Way creates connections and helps people like Lanaysia find stability and balance so that they can dream of a better future.

Lanaysia needed to find a place of her own. As a 9-1-1 dispatcher with two young kids, she sought space and stability to start thinking about her future.

“I had originally decided to call 211 and see if they can get me into a shelter, but at the time they didn't have any space.  Because I was working full time they had got me an interview with the program that will pay my security deposit and my first month.

But finding an apartment in Connecticut with your credit low is hard. I had been looking around and no one would accept my application. I got connected with Charmain (rental assistance coordinator at the Coordinated Access Network (CAN)). We worked together to find places for me. She never gave up. I never give up.”

Through the search, they came across Tyler, a business development manager for a local property management firm. Tyler knew that he had the power to make a difference.

“Housing tenants through the CAN is an easy way for property owners to make a difference in the community. A lot of times, all people need is a foot up onto a better path – that one step to provide the necessities to make their lives better. By providing a family with a home, you can help them take that step," stated Tyler Lebel, Business Development Manager and Leasing Agent at Real Property Management.

In the end, Lanaysia landed in a place that she loves, is working on going back to school, and has started her own Youtube channel where she shares her love of makeup, along with her story, to inspire others.

She recognizes the impact that individuals had in helping her chart a path to stability, "I feel like throughout my whole life, there's always these people who come into my life who are like, godsends and Charmain is one of them. When I met her, she saw my situation, she knew my story and she knew how hard I was working and she really wanted to help me.”

United Way creates these connections and helps people like Lanaysia find stability and balance so that they can dream of a better future.


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