Emergency Food and Shelter Program Funding Available

Food basket


United Way of Greater New Haven will administer $532,742 in federal funds under the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program (EFSP) for the CARES Act and $373,667 in federal funds for FY19 Phase 37 through a competitive application process. New Haven County nonprofits, faith-based, and government agencies are eligible to apply.

To be eligible for EFSP CARES Act funding, organizations must provide one or more of the following services (organizations may apply for more than one funding area):

  • Food (served meals, food vouchers, food pantries)
  • Shelter (mass shelter, motel vouchers)
  • Rental Assistance
  • Utility Assistance

EFSP Funds are supplemental and may not exceed 49% of a program budget. Funds are not intended to substitute for other program funds or to start new programs and are not to be held or reserved for future use.

Prior to submitting an application for funding organizations are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to review the “EFSP Quick Reference Guides” to familiarize themselves with funding guidelines, (new) requirements, practices and reporting expectations. FUNDS GRANTED BUT NOT EXPENDED AND DOCUMENTED ACCORDING TO THE EFSP HANDBOOK GUIDELINES MUST BE RETURNED.  Please refer to the handbook for specifics.  Organizations with the GREATEST ability to maximize funding against program impact are preferred.  

Applications for Phase 37 and the CARES Act are due electronically (afox@uwgnh.org) no later than 12 p.m. on May 15, 2020. Exceptions will not be made. In order to be eligible for both Phases of funding, you must complete separate applications.


  • Have 501 c3 status or be an agency of government;
  • Have a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN);
  • Have a Federal D-U-N-S Identification Number (D-U-N-S Number can be obtained by telephoning 1-866-705-5711), complete and submit a DUNS Form with this application. A blank D-U-N-S form can be accessed here: https://fedgov.dnb.com/webform. Please attach your completed DUNS form to the end of this submission;
  • Have a New Haven County EFSP Local Board Approved Accounting System (if your agency/organization does not meet this criteria you must apply with a fiscal agent which meets this criteria):
  •  All agency/organizations applying for $50,000 or more must conduct and submit an annual independent audit and IRS Form 990.
  • All agencies/organizations applying for $25,000-49,999 must conduct and submit an annual accountant’s review
  • All agencies/organizations applying for $1-24,999 must submit a “Balance Sheet/Statement of Financial Position” and “Income Statement/Statement of Activities”
  • All financial documents must be for the current or previous fiscal year.
  • Governed by a volunteer board of directors (nonprofits only);
  • Provide services guided by a non-discriminatory policy;
  • Programs must have a comparative amount of secured funding (51%+ of the program funding must come from a source other than the EFSP) to which they are leveraging EFSP funding;
  • Funded programs must provide year round services within the intent of the EFSP and in the category for which they are requesting funding;
  • Funded programs must use EFSP funds on an ongoing basis to supplement and expand existing eligible on-going direct service costs expanding program services and increasing the number of clients served during the spending periods.

PLEASE NOTE: You will be required to submit a completed Phase 37 LRO Certification form. These forms will be made available upon acceptance of the Local Board Plan by the EFSP National Board. Once the awards are accepted, you will be required to complete the LRO Certification Form with your LRO number and your name AS IT APPEARS ON THE EFSP WEBSITE. Please visit the EFSP website to verify your number and organization name prior to submitting the form.

Due to this year’s timeline United Way staff and reviewers will be unable to provide additional time after application submission for applicants to clarify, complete or revise submissions. It is imperative submitted applications meet the identified criteria and include the required attachments by the application: deadline May 15, 2020, at 12 pm, to be considered for funding.

Questions regarding the application process should be forwarded to Aly Fox, United Way of Greater New Haven at afox@uwgnh.org.  If you have not previously applied for EFSP Funding, please contact Aly Fox (afox@uwgnh.org) to be set up in the system prior to submitting your application.


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