United Way of Greater New Haven announces its Summer Youth Fund 2024 Awardees!
As we near the close of another school year, we are excited because over 3,000 young people in Greater New Haven will have an enhanced summer experience because of our community partnerships!
UWGNH is excited to announce this year's Summer Youth Fund collaboration with the following organizations:
ARTE Inc. | Neighborhood Music School |
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater New Haven | New Haven Ecology Project (Common Ground) |
Canal Dock Boathouse | New Haven YMCA Youth Center |
CfAL for Digital Inclusion | Phenomenal I Am, Inc. |
Connecticut Center for Arts & Technology (ConnCAT) | Saint Martin de Porres Academy |
Elm City Internationals: Educational Success through Soccer | Shubert Summer Theater & Arts Camp |
Gather New Haven | Solar Youth |
Helping Our People to Excel Inc. | Squash Haven, Inc. |
Hope for New Haven | The Breed Academy Inc. |
Horizons at the Foote School | YMCA Camp Mountain Laurel |
Many thanks to each organization for your continued work, providing enriching activities and environments for our communities' youth throughout the summer!