Community Conference Room

Community Conference Room
Reserve UWGNH's Conference Room

Reserve UWGNH's Conference Room 

United Way’s Community Room is available to non-profit organizations and civic groups in Greater New Haven on a first-come, first-served basis.  

Please Note: 

  • It is available Monday through Thursday only 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. 
  • The number of guests allowed in the community room is 25-30.  
  • The kitchen is for staff use only. Please share this with your guests.
  • Once the reservation is confirmed, the organizer will receive a 4-digit code to enter the front door.  It is the responsibility of the meeting organizer to make sure all guests receive that code in advance, or have the organizer’s phone number to gain entrance so they don’t ring the doorbell and disturb United Way staff.  

The room includes an air filter, movable tables, chairs, two easels, dry erase markers, use of wifi, projectors with cameras and microphones, and two whiteboards. The equipment allows for virtual meetings (Zoom, Teams, etc.). 

Use of the room is free for non-profit and civic groups.  The fee for all others is $100 per usage.  Guests using the room are responsible for any costs arising from any damage or loss during use.  

United Way will provide water in pitchers and disposable cups for meetings. Guests desiring any other food/drink must bring their own refreshments and paper goods.  We ask that you not leave any food behind.      

Guests are welcome to make use of the projector and whiteboard. Please note that the equipment does not include a computer and Macs are not compatible and do not connect to the system. UW staff can help with initial set-up if needed.  However, UW staff is not always available for troubleshooting.  

Please bring your own copies of any materials you need for distribution.  UW’s photocopier is for UW staff use only.  

The guest agrees to accept all responsibility for the conduct of their invitees and to hold UWGNH harmless from all claims, demands, suits or actions that may be brought against UW or any agent thereof, by reason of injury to any person or damage to any property caused by said application because of the activity for which this application is made.



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